The Sonography technician will instruct you to lie down on the hospital bed. You’ll probably need to remove your shirt. You may or may not be required to wear a hospital gown during the procedure, I did not have to wear a gown during mine.

The Sonographer will calibrate the diagnostic equipment for a little bit. Once they are done they will then place a clear gel initially on your stomach, it may be a little cold. The wand they use to glide over your body does not hurt. The technician may need to firmly run the wand across your abdomen, so you may feel the pressure of this, but not pain. If you do feel pain, let your technician know.

You will probably need to rotate left or right, or get on your stomach depending on what images are required. The procedure will probably take about 30 – 45 minutes. Once you are done you can get a drink and grab a meal.

By far this is probably the easiest of the diagnostics required for IBS.